IAEA-State Cooperation II
- Lydie Gerard (France)
- Gary Dyck (IAEA)
IAEA-State Cooperation II
- Gary Dyck (IAEA)
- Lydie Gerard (France)
Yousef Al Agbari
(Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation)
23/10/2014, 14:10
In its approach to the development of a peaceful nuclear energy program, the UAE is committed to complete operational transparency, the highest standards of non-proliferation and to working directly with the IAEA. A strategy of continuous cooperation has been adopted in order to leverage the experience and recommendations of the IAEA early in the process of facility (reactor) construction and...
Precious Boshielo
(The South African Nuclear Energy Corp (NECSA))
23/10/2014, 14:30
The increase of nuclear material that are out of regulatory control is becoming a serious concern and threat and thereby continuously seeking urgent interventions and counteractions from the international community aspiring effective control over all nuclear material and peaceful uses of nuclear technologies globally. In South Africa the nuclear forensics initiative approach and its...
Padmakumar Sankaran Nair
(Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India)
23/10/2014, 14:50
India has an item specific Safeguards Agreement, INFCIRC/754 with the IAEA and a nuclear material accounting system which generates the monthly reports for the Agency promptly. Subsequent to entry into force of subsidiary arrangements to INFCIRC/754 and as a part of implementation of new reporting Structure, India is developing new software to cater to its NUMAC reporting requirement. This...
Ibrahim Aly El-Osery
(Energy and Nuclear Affairs, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Egypt)
23/10/2014, 15:10
The paper presents the potential of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Project and its importance to Egypt for electric energy security and diversity as well as the nuclear project role to achieve the economical and social development of the country. The former historical three efforts to implement the project would be presented. The main features of the project Bid Invitation Specifications (BIS)...
Yoko Kawakubo
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
23/10/2014, 16:00
Nuclear transparency is defined as “a cooperative process of providing information to all interested parties so that they can independently assess the safety, security, and legitimate management of nuclear materials” by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). Since the Asia-Pacific region has a broad spectrum of nuclear development underway and planned in the future, nuclear transparency is...
Ramon Zarate
(Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission)
23/10/2014, 16:20
Our country, has demonstrated its commitment with the nuclear non-proliferation regime. Consequently, during the past few years, the IAEA got to a broader conclusion that all of the nuclear material in the State had been placed under safeguards and remained in peaceful nuclear activities. In this matter, Chile has signed, ratified and is an active member of the following international...