NDA Measurements II: Gamma and Neutron
- Arden Dougan (USA)
NDA Measurements II: Gamma and Neutron
- Arden Dougan (USA)
Moustafa Ahmed
(assistant researcher)
23/10/2014, 14:10
Characterization and verification of Nuclear Material (NM) are important activities for nuclear material accounting and control. In order to characterize or verify NM many factors have to be measured or estimated. These factors may include some bulk properties like material distribution, homogeneity, geometry and volume. Such information might not be detectable using the traditional gamma ray...
Reinhard Berndt
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
23/10/2014, 14:30
The digital MCA527 was developed by GBS as follower instrument for the MiniMCA-166, which cannot be produced any more due to missing electronic chips. The instrument was successfully tested for use by IAEA and EURATOM safeguards inspectors [test report].
In the course of the tests it was understood that this same piece of hardware can be used for correlated and multiplicity counting as...
Khalil Amgarou
23/10/2014, 14:50
A next generation gamma imager, with improved characteristics in terms of portability, sensitivity and angular resolution, has been recently developed in our facilities for an accurate localization of radioactive hotspots. This device, called iPIX, consists of an advanced photon detector based on a pixilated readout CMOS, a coded mask aperture and a mini CCD camera. The iPIX gamma imager is...
Kiril Ianakiev
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
23/10/2014, 15:10
He-3 proportional counters and analog electronics are the backbone of neutron detection systems. 1” He-3 tubes have been used with classical electronics for over three decades. The major challenge for short dead time and operation in high gamma fields, including spent fuel measurement, are difficult to address by simply changing the gas admix and tweaking the shaper time constants, resulting...
Malte Göttsche
(Centre for Science and Peace Research - University of Hamburg)
23/10/2014, 16:00
Passive neutron multiplicity counting to determine plutonium mass is used nowadays inter alia in Safeguards applications. As opposed to total neutron rate counting, it can determine plutonium mass also in oxides and samples with induced fission processes if the isotopic composition is known. Neutron multiplicity counting may be helpful for other missions. These may include CBRN response...
Jozsef Zsigrai
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements)
23/10/2014, 16:20
A neutron-coincidence counter was calibrated for the non-destructive measurement of Pu concentration of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel pellets produced in Europe. The aim was to implement a non-destructive procedure for verifying the declared Pu inventory which can be used either by analysts in the lab or by safeguards inspectors in field.
A set of 6 MOX pellets taken from a MOX fuel fabrication...
Erik Branger
(Uppsala University)
23/10/2014, 16:40
The Digital Cherenkov Viewing Device (DCVD) is a tool for verifying irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies in wet storage by means of measuring the Cherenkov light generated by the fuel. The DCVD is currently used in attended mode to verify the presence of irradiated fuel material, so-called gross defect verification, as well as to verify that part of the fuel material has not been diverted,...