Promoting the Interface Between Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
- Elina Martikka (Finland)
- Susilaningsih Lestari (Indonesia)
Promoting the Interface Between Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
- Elina Martikka (Finland)
- Susilaningsih Lestari (Indonesia)
Caroline Jorant
(SDRI Consulting)
24/10/2014, 09:10
Reference to the three S’s in the nuclear world is recurring and much has been said about the need to build on synergies to reinforce safeguards, safety and security.
In practice, the 3 S’s communities are seldom interconnected even though some interaction can be observed between safety and security and security and safeguards. Ensuring a better understanding between those three sectors...
Endang Susilowati
(rsg-gas batan)
24/10/2014, 09:50
Safeguards, safety and security (3Ss) constitute as essential elements for successful development of nuclear technology in the life time of nuclear installation. All 3Ss need to be coordinated due workers, the public and the environment require protection from plant malfunction, human error, malicious acts and proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies. Then the importance of the 3Ss...
Eckhard Haas
24/10/2014, 10:10
Since the INPRO Collaborative Project on Proliferation Resistance and Safeguardability Assessment Tools (PROSA) was launched in 2011, Member State experts have worked with the INPRO Section and the IAEA Department of Safeguards to develop a revised methodology for self-assessment of sustainability in the area of proliferation resistance of a nuclear energy system (NES). With the common...
Jeremy Whitlock
(Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)
24/10/2014, 11:00
Methodologies have been developed within the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) to support the assessment and improvement of system performance in the areas safeguards, security, economics and safety. Of these four areas, safeguards and security are the subjects of the GIF working group on Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PRPP). Since the PRPP methodology (now at...
(Nuclear Security Science & Policy Institute, Texas A&M University, USA)
24/10/2014, 11:20
The Proliferation Resistance Analysis and Evaluation Tool for Observed Risk (PRAETOR) software code assesses the proliferation resistance (PR) of nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) systems. The Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI) at Texas A&M University developed PRAETOR based on the well-established multi-attribute utility analysis (MAUA) methodology. MAUA methods facilitate compiling...
A. Ivasechko
24/10/2014, 11:40
The report deals with the approaches to the establishment of National geoinformation systems as a means of combating nuclear terrorism and illicit trafficking of radioactive materials (hereinafter National geoinformation systems), which represent the integration of already existing and brand-new hardware and software into a single system for illicit trafficking control. It illustrates the...
Wolfgang Nimfuehr
24/10/2014, 12:00
IBM Security Intelligence with Analytics of massive data provides exceptional threat and risk detection, combining deep security expertise with analytical insights on a massive scale. For forward-leaning organizations seeking advanced insight into security risks, the IBM solution – Security Intelligence Platform for massive data – provides a comprehensive, integrated approach that combines...