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The IAEA Safeguards System in the XXI Century

21 Oct 2014, 09:50
Boardroom A (M Building)

Boardroom A

M Building


Nadezhda Kozlova (ROSATOM)


The report will consider the IAEAsafeguards system,established in the 70s in relation to the NPT.It will consider events that influenced development of the system and its reaction;how the changes were implemented.It will designate challenges of today,primarily from the point of view of the world nuclear energy development as no alternatives;allocate important,as considered by the authors,technical and organizational elements of the safeguards system development process and examine their applicability to the situation of today. The report will consider proposed by the IAEA Secretariat way of the safeguards system evolving – the State Level Concept – and will provide technical reasoning and evaluations of strengths and weaknesses of various elements of the concept.Attention will be paid to information use,sources and reliability confirmation;diversion paths analysis and acquisition paths analysis;and will set out ideas on the role of safeguards criteria,expert judgment and state specific factors,their applicability in the development,implementation and evaluation of safeguards approaches effectiveness. The report will examine the IAEA and its Member States rights and responsibilities in the area of safeguards,mechanisms that are available for the implementation of safeguards under the Safeguards Agreements and the Additional Protocols thereto.It will discuss,as an important element,the potential way of the maximum use of these mechanisms without making obstacles to the peaceful nuclear activities,economic and technological development of States,and while avoiding undue interference in the States internal affairs. In conclusion it will present the authors views and suggestions for further system development and increasing its effectiveness,efficiency and ability to respond to various indicators while mandatory maintaining non-discriminatory,impartial and common approach based safeguards implementation;including considerations and suggestions for safeguards management and broader conclusions drawing practice while avoiding subjectivity in safeguards,including integrated safeguards,assessments.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation

Primary author

Vladimir Kuchinov (ROSATOM)


Marina Belyaeva (ROSATOM) Nadezhda Kozlova (ROSATOM) Nikolay Khlebnikov (-)

Presentation materials

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