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Safeguards Practices and Future Challenges for Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy in Bangladesh

24 Oct 2014, 11:40
Room M1 (M Building)

Room M1

M Building




Nuclear material and different category of radiation sources are being used in industries, R&D & education purposes. All of them are used for human welfare and economic uplift of the country. Prior to use, Bangladesh has firmly committed for the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a safe, secured and non-proliferation manner. Bangladesh has regularly provided credible assurance about the non-diversion of nuclear material as well as the absence of undeclared material and activities to the international community by fulfilling the obligations under the NPT and Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements (CSA) over the last 35 years. IAEA approved the State Level Safeguards Approach (SLA)for Bangladesh on 1 December, 2006 and consequently Bangladesh entered into the Integrated Safeguards (IS) regime on 1 January, 2007. The Government of Bangladesh enacted a comprehensive nuclear law titled ‘Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory (BAER) Act-2012 and under this act established ‘Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority’(BAERA)in February 2013 to regulate all nuclear activities and to fulfill its international obligations. Furthermore, Bangladesh has signed agreements with Russia for setting up two 1,000 MWe generation-III VVER type power reactors. During the INIR missions conducted by IAEA, the team identified some gaps and then recommended to develop, implement and to enforce of safeguards framework including strengthening the SSAC’s oversight capability embarking the first nuclear power program in the country. Bangladesh is working on legal and regulatory requirements in adopting the VVER technology into the BAER Act-2012 related to safeguards. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of country’s practices in implementing the IAEA safeguards and also to provide with an in-depth look at the legislations, regulations and facility procedures for strengthening the safeguards infrastructure and to identify future challenges for international cooperation.
Country or International Organization Bangladesh

Primary author



AKM Fazle Kibria (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission) HM Borhan Alam (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission) Md Didarul Alam CHOWDHURY (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission)

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