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The STAR System-A Computer Software for Accountancy and Control

22 Oct 2014, 16:00
Room M2 (M Building)

Room M2

M Building


Ann-Margreth Eriksson Eklund (AMC konsult AB)


The development of the STAR system started within the Swedish support program for NIS countries. Improvements to the system have been made and the family of STAR software now includes software for SSAC as well as software nuclear power plants, research reactors, bulk handling facilities, storages and LOFs. The programs are developed for use on PC and are designed for usage in a network. The systems are usually tailored according to the needs of a specific country and/or facility and contain additional functions that a state authority require in addition to reporting to the IAEA. The reporting module is able to report to the IAEA in Code 10 labelled format but can also report in fixed format depending on agreement. General Features • Generic design • Module Built to be able to easy add new functions and specific needs • Menu driven System • Minimum data entering requirements • Data bases are automatically updated • Advanced QC System • Powerful Filter Functions (Enhanced SQL type) • Possibility to export/import data from other languages • Data easy to access for other applications • Possibility to easily make correction records • Automatic creation of necessary documents • Designed for Advanced Electronically communication • Built-in backup system. • Fuel maps can be generated for NPP’s and storages. • Reports for inspection purposes Design Features The programs have been designed to be a powerful working tool for the user and are designed to be extremely easy to handle and at the same time give the operator the maximal power of searches, calculations and reports that a modern advanced system can produce. The program is designed for a multi-user environment in a network with different access levels. A special designed system, covering just the SSAC part and LOFs, can be provided to make the reporting very easy for states without an extensive nuclear program.
Country or International Organization Sweden

Primary author

Ann-Margreth Eriksson Eklund (AMC konsult AB)


Clifford Järnry (AMC konsult AB)

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