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United States Support Program (USSP) Lessons Learned from the Management of Complex, Multi-Stakeholder Projects for International Safeguards

22 Oct 2014, 16:00
Boardroom A (M Building)

Boardroom A

M Building


Raymond Diaz (Brookhaven National Laboratory - ISPO)


This paper will review USSP experiences, lessons learned, and proposed future strategies on the management of complex projects including the Universal Non Destructive Assay Data Acquisition Platform (UNAP) instrument development task. The focus will be on identifying lessons learned to formulate strategies to minimize risk and maximize the potential of commercial success for future complex projects. Topics planned for inclusion are: 1) Initial agreement amongst all stakeholders on the justification of the need of the development including market studies of existing/near term future COTS technology capabilities; 2) Initial confirmation that there is a market for the product other than the IAEA to reduce investment risk; 3) Agreement on an accelerated initial project schedule from request acceptance to commercial unit production including per unit cost and quantities; 4) During product development, obtaining periodic customer reaffirmation of the need and quantities for the product per the existing schedule and per unit price.
Country or International Organization USA

Primary author

Raymond Diaz (Brookhaven National Laboratory - ISPO)


Josh Tackentien (Brookhaven National Laboratory - ISPO)

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