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Implementation of Safeguards for Romania National LOFs

24 Oct 2014, 12:00
Room M1 (M Building)

Room M1

M Building


Irene Popovici (Government of Romania - National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control)


The safe deployment of nuclear activities in Romania is provided by Law no. 111/1996. The Law was republished based on the provisions of Article II of Law no. 63/2006 for the amendment and addition and was modified and completed by the Law no. 378/2013. The competent national authority in the nuclear field, which has responsibilities of regulation, authorization and control as stipulated in this Law, is National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN). According to the art. 2c) provisions of the Nuclear Law shall apply to production, sitting and construction, supply, leasing, transfer, handling, possession, processing, treatment, use, temporary storage or final disposal, transport, transit, import and export of radiological installations, nuclear and radioactive materials, including nuclear fuel, radioactive waste and ionizing radiation generating devices. With regards to the small holders of nuclear materials, the Romanian legislation takes into account the following safeguards objectives:  Establishing provisions governing the possession, use, transfer, import and export of nuclear materials;  Ensuring the implementation of the safeguards system for accountancy and control of nuclear materials:  Ensuring that all nuclear materials are reported under the provisions of the Safeguards Agreement;  Ensuring that all nuclear activities are declared under the provisions of the Additional Protocol;  Developing and implementing nuclear material accounting and control procedures at all small holders of nuclear materials  Ensuring training for safeguards staff at all small holders. Based on the provision of Law no. 111/1996 CNCAN has issued a Guidelines for applying of the safeguards by the small holders of nuclear materials from Romania. The guidelines provide specific regulations regarding the movement of the nuclear materials, the accountancy and control of nuclear materials, the containment and surveillance systems for small holders of nuclear materials, and so on.
Country or International Organization Romania

Primary author

Irene Popovici (Government of Romania - National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control)

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