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Building-Up the Non-Proliferation Nuclear Trust in the Middle East

22 Oct 2014, 16:40
Boardroom A (M Building)

Boardroom A

M Building


Dr Yousry Abushady (Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs (ECFA))


This paper is aiming to address different proposals to overcome the lack of trust in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful applications among the Middle East (ME) States. By building-up and strengthen the non-proliferation nuclear trust in the ME region, a wider use of nuclear energy for peaceful applications will be promoted. To achieve this target, two proposals are here addressed. The first proposal is to form a Regional Safeguard (SG) organization (called MEATOM), which should be formed by all or a number of the ME States and should avoid the political influence posed on other international organizations. The new proposed Safeguards organization should establish a technical cooperation with the IAEA Safeguards to fulfill its functions which would be in lines with the functions of the two other known regional organizations, mainly EURATOM and ABACC. The second proposal is to establish a regional cooperation in the installation and use of nuclear fuel cycle facilities at different ME States. By considering these two proposals in sincere and serious manner, it is believed that each ME state would provide more transparency and gain more trust in nuclear non-proliferation and consequently would permit wider use of nuclear energy for peaceful applications.
Country or International Organization Egypt

Primary author

Dr Yousry Abushady (Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs (ECFA))

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