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13–18 Oct 2014
Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya
Europe/Moscow timezone

Integrated Modeling of Toroidal Rotation with the 3D Non-Local Drift-Kinetic Code and Boundary Models for JT-60U Analyses and Predictive Simulations

16 Oct 2014, 15:00
Blue 1-5 (Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya)

Blue 1-5

Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


Mr Mitsuru Honda (Japan)


The integrated framework for toroidal momentum transport is developed, which self-consistently calculates the neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV), the radial electric field Er and the resultant toroidal rotation together with the scrape-off-layer (SOL) physics-based boundary model. The coupling of TOPICS, VMEC and FORTEC-3D makes it possible to calculate the NTV due to the non-axisymmetric perturbed magnetic field in the actual geometry. It is found that the NTV significantly influences toroidal rotation in JT-60U and Er holds the key to determine the NTV profile. The sensitivity of the toroidal rotation profile to the boundary rotation necessitates the boundary condition modeling. Owing to the high-resolution measurement in the JT-60U edge region, Er is found to be rather insensitive at the separatrix. Focusing on Er, the boundary model of toroidal momentum can be developed in conjunction with the SOL/divertor plasma code. This modeling realizes self-consistent predictive simulations for operation scenario development in JT-60SA and ITER.
Country or International Organisation Japan
Paper Number TH/5-1

Primary author

Mr Mitsuru Honda (Japan)


Dr Akinobu Matsuyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Go Matsunaga (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Hajime Urano (JAEA) Dr Kensaku Kamiya (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Koji Shinohara (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Maiko Yoshida (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Motoki Nakata (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Nobuhiko Hayashi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Shinsuke Satake (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan) Dr Shunsuke Ide (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Yasuhiro Suzuki (National Institute for Fusion Science)

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