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Uranium potential of the Central African Republic

25 Jun 2014, 17:00
VIC, Poster area (Vienna)

VIC, Poster area


Vienna International Centre, Vienna
Poster Uranium geology Poster Session


Mr Richard Bangoto (Ministry of mines, energy and hydraulics, CAR)


Several factors determine the long-term sustainability of nuclear power. The terms of reference of the URAM 2014 already give very valuable insights on the future of nuclear energy. The combination of all these factors plus the new ores discoveries generated by ongoing exploration efforts can satisfy nuclear power by long and sunny days. Member countries of the IAEA, such as RCA, are each called in what concerns him to invest in shares arising on these factors. The mineral potential of the CAR which is pretty well supplied with at least 470 mineral occurrences confused is not yet set value outside of gold and diamonds that are operated by craftsmen. The weakness of its economy does not allow the CAR to undertake by itself, work to highlight possible extensions of these occurrences in depth and constitute possible deposits. Note the presence occurrences of rare earths elements REE among these occurrences. The uranium exploration which started since 1947 in the CAR has not yet been able to enter the country on the list of producer countries. Its unique sedimentary Bakouma site is known. However, AREVA Company, for internal reasons, suspended the completion of research: a new producer is at the door which unfortunately is very narrow. Expectations are that this uranium deposit sees its beginning of extraction, but also that exploration will continue in granite, pegmatite, and metamorphic rocks using new exploration technologies in the framework of public-private partnership.

Primary author

Mr Richard Bangoto (Ministry of mines, energy and hydraulics, CAR)

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