Roberto Mario Capote Noy
27/01/2025, 09:45
Gilles Noguere
(CEA Cadarache)
27/01/2025, 11:00
Gerald (Gerry) Hale
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
28/01/2025, 16:00
Vladimir Pronyaev
29/01/2025, 10:00
Ignacio Duran
29/01/2025, 11:00
Sergej Badikov
29/01/2025, 14:45
Alice Manna
(University of Bologna)
29/01/2025, 15:30
Yonghao Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
30/01/2025, 10:00
Vladimir Pronyaev
30/01/2025, 14:00