The Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel is the French national metrology laboratory for ionizing radiation, in charge of the definition of the derived SI units – the becquerel (activity) and the gray and sievert (absorbed dose and dose equivalent) and their transfer to users. In order to define the becquerel with high precision, decay data are of utmost importance and an accurate knowledge of the decay scheme is mandatory. As a consequence, the LNHB has been involved for more than 50 years in the evaluation, recommendation and the provision of decay data. In particular, the LNHB is currently in charge of the coordination of the international Decay Data Evaluation Project, which aims at providing decay data to non-specialists, especially within the metrology community for intercomparison exercises. In this presentation, we will introduce the DDEP collaboration, the associated decay data evaluation work, its dissemination and associated software tools.