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11–15 Nov 2024
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Ideas on a decentralized, inclusive and traceable nuclear data future

13 Nov 2024, 10:10
C0343 (IAEA Headquarters)


IAEA Headquarters

Vienna, Austria




By framing problems with specific words, we also prime thought networks for determining possible solutions. The phrasing "data portal" is one such specific phrasing, "data networks" or "data flows" would be other choices inducing different thoughts. In this contribution, I want to take as starting point the idea of "data flows". More specifically, several prominent nuclear data sources exist (e.g. EXFOR, evaluated nuclear data libraries, model codes), and irrespective of the use of the data, we can always say that the data flows from one or several sources to intermediate points, potentially merging with other data flows, before it ends up at some endpoint. During this process, the data may become filtered, enriched or transformed. These data flows, travelling through systems and directed by persons are quite opaque in the past and are still not easily traceable in the present. In this contribution, I want to present some perspectives and ideas on how we could make these data flows transparent, traceable and hence reproducible, potentially providing benefits to both established researchers in the nuclear data field and newcomers.

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