RAMI session
- Didier van Houtte (CEA)
Predictions of fusion’s radiation fields and associated nuclear quantities are fundamentally needed to serve a range of performance, safety and regulatory criteria - at all stages of the plant lifecycle, ranging from conceptual design to decommissioning. Radiation fields comprise the spatial, energy and temporal distribution of neutron and photon fluxes throughout the fusion device in various...
Since 2016, the WEST tokamak has brilliantly demonstrated its capability to perform long plasma discharges in a fully metallic environment.
WEST, qualified as a long pulse machine, presents the specific features of a permanent magnetic field produced by 18 Superconducting Toroidal Field coils cooled at 1.8K thanks to its liquid helium cryogenic system, the entire plasma facing components...
The WEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady-state Tokamak) project in France is crucial for reaching sustainable fusion energy by simulating reactor-like conditions. WEST provides a unique facility to integrated and test technologies for Long Pulse Operations.
Previous operation on Tore Supra, and numerous studies showed that all components receiving convective heat flux from particles and...
Nuclear fusion is expected to be available as energy technology source of energy from mid-50s of present century. One key aspect for the success of such technology will be the reliability growth implemented in the design since the early phases. In fact, nuclear fusion plants are expected to exploit many fusion specific components with relatively low technology readiness level, or in some cases...
Abstract—The pursuit of fusion energy as a sustainable and clean power source has spurred the development of advanced fusion devices, exemplified by the China Fusion Engineering Experimental Reactor (CFETR) and the Burning plasma Experimental Superconducting Tokamak (BEST). These devices aim for long-pulse steady-state operation, presenting significant challenges for their DC transmission...