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14–18 Oct 2024
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The programme will consist of sessions dedicated to invited/contributed talks and poster sessions. A Programme Committee made up of a representative international membership will be responsible for selecting the orals and posters presentation and arranging the technical and discussion sessions, as well as for the overall scientific content of the event.

Authors will be notified by email by 14 June 2024 as to whether their abstracts for posters have been accepted.


  • Figures can be inserted in the content editor box by clicking on 'image' or 'Ctrl+G' and then pasting the figure URL.
  • Kindly upload your figure on a webpage which is accessible from an external network and make sure your figure URL has the following format:
  • The figure will show up on the content editor during submission if uploaded correctly. If not, please check that the figure URL has the right format (ending with .jpg – meaning it’s the URL of the file itself) and it’s accessible from an external network.
The call for abstracts is closed.