Women in Fusion luncheon "Creating an inclusive Fusion Workforce"

Westminster Room (Queen Elisabeth II Centre)

Westminster Room

Queen Elisabeth II Centre

SW1P 3EE London United Kingdom
Sehila GONZALEZ DE VICENTE (Women in Fusion), Kalle HEINOLA (Women in Fusion)

Event is currently fully booked


The Women in Fusion (WiF) group was formed in 2022 as a follow-up action after the 2021 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, with a vision of making fusion a fully inclusive field and with a focus on gender equity. Improving gender equity in Science and Technology is a critical and growing challenge. In particular, women’s representation in fusion energy is quite low. The estimated range is from 15-20% on a global scale, which is even lower than the average of the S&T field.

Fusion can offer clean, safe, and limitless energy, making it a powerful tool against climate change. Recreating the process that powers the stars depends on mobilizing resources through global partnerships and collaboration. Therefore, we need to ensure that all individuals can contribute to making fusion a reality. WiF aims to ensure that fusion can fully benefit from the perspectives, talent, skills, and intellect of women around the world.

WiF luncheon at Fusion Energy Conference 2023

WiF is delighted to invite You to its luncheon "Creating an Inclusive Fusion Workforce" organized at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2023 (FEC2023) in London, United Kingdom. The event comprises of statements and panel discussion by distinguished guests representing various sectors and career experiences in nuclear fusion. Discussion is followed by a Q&A session with the audience. 

This WiF event takes place on Tuesday 17th October 2023 at Queen Elisabeth II Centre (Westminster Room) at 1 pm (GMT+1)

Please see Programme for further details. 

Participation in the event is free with the help of our sponsors. The number of on-site participants is limited, so we kindly ask you to register in advance. Please use Registration for securing your seat at this WiF event. 


As this event is only for FEC2023 participants, please also register to the conference (link here), if not already done so.





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