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16–19 May 2023
IAEA, M building
Europe/Vienna timezone

Collisional-radiative modeling for H/D plasmas and S/XB ratio for measureing W sputtering yield

16 May 2023, 11:00
M0E15 (IAEA, M building)


IAEA, M building


Duck-Hee Kwon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)


We report our recent works on collisional-radiative modeling (CRM) for H/D plasmas and $S/XB$ ratio analysis for measuring W sputtering yield in KAERI plasma beam irradiation facility (KPBIF). The KPBIF was constructed and has been developed for simulating heat and particle fluxes in divertor plasma by adopting the concept of applied field-magnetoplasmadynamic (AF-MPD) thruster [1].

We has developed CRM for low temperature and density which solves nonlinear steady-state balance equations including processes such as radiation trapping and heavy particle collisions self-consistently [2,3]. The CRM has been applied to H/D plasmas in the electron temperature range of $2-7$ eV and the electron density range of $10^{11}-10^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$ which are relevant to present KPBIF conditions [4]. Particular attention has been paid to investigating sensitivities of line spectra intensities and densities of particles to used atomic and molecular data in the CRM. We used actual D reaction data for electron collision of D$_2$ molecule [5,6] as well as D$_2^{+}$ molecular ion collision of D$_2$ molecule [4], while some modelers used to replace e$-$H$_2$ data for D plasma assuming the e$-$D$_2$ data is very similar to e$-$H$_2$ data.

$S/XB$ ratio for determine sputtering yield of W I [7] has been measured in KPBIF and analysed by modelling using various atomic data on electron impact ionization/excitation and radiative decay. The details on available data and data needs for improving the analysis will be discussed.

[1] K.-B. Chai, D.-H. Kwon and M. Lee, Plasma Phys. Coltrol. Fusion 63 125020 (2021)
[2] K.-B. Chai, D.-H. Kwon, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 227, 136 (2019)
[3] K.-B. Chai and D.-H. Kwon, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 183 106269 (2021)
[4] P. del Mazo-Sevillano, …, D.-H. Kwon, O. Roncero, Molecular physics e2183071 (2023) (
[5] R. Celiberto et al., Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tables 77 161 (2001)
[6] MCCC(Molecular Convergent Close-Coupling) database (2023)
[7] I. Beigman et al., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49 1833(2007)

Primary authors

Mr Changmin Shin (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Dr Haewon Shin (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Dr Kil-Byoung Chai (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)


Duck-Hee Kwon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

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