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Reactor antineutrino modelling & nuclear data

18 Jan 2023, 09:00

Presentation materials

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Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech.)
18/01/2023, 09:00
Alexandro Sonzogni (BNL)
18/01/2023, 09:45
Muriel Fallot (Subatech (CNRS-in2p3, Nantes Univ., IMT Atlantique))
18/01/2023, 10:50
Lorenzo Perisse (CNRS)
18/01/2023, 11:30
Xianyi Zhang (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
18/01/2023, 12:10
Filip Kondev (Argonne National Laboratory)
18/01/2023, 14:10
Bertis Rasco (ORNL), Krzysztof Rykaczewski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
18/01/2023, 14:50
Alejandro Algora (IFIC (CSIC-Univ. of Valencia))
18/01/2023, 15:50
Anna Catherine Hayes-Sterbenz (LANL)
18/01/2023, 16:30
Amy Lovell (LANL)
18/01/2023, 17:10
Karl-Heinz Schmidt (Retired from GSI Helmholtz-Zentrum, Darmstadt, Germany)
19/01/2023, 09:00
Andrea Mattera (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
19/01/2023, 10:00
Samuel Kim (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
19/01/2023, 10:20
Building timetable...