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14–17 Jun 2022
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone
Call for abstracts now open!

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Original papers on the following topics are welcomed:
- National and international programmes for spent eATF management;
- Fuel cycle strategies, their assessment tools, and their inventory forecasts;
- Impacts on spent fuel storage conditions and systems (wet and dry);
- Impacts on reprocessing and potential recycling routes;
- Impacts on disposal.

Abstracts should be submitted before 15 April 2022 in parallel with submission of the Participation Form (Form A) and the Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) to their competent national authority or organization for onward transmissions to the IAEA.

Those ATFs that are in development for deployment in Generation-IV reactor designs are termed “revolutionary accident tolerant fuels” (rATFs), and are outside of the scope of this Technical Meeting. Further activities are planned in 2022 in relation to these fuels.

The call for abstracts is closed.