Plasma Chamber and Tritium Behavior
- Alberto Loarte (ITER Organization)
Plasma Chamber and Tritium Behavior
- Alberto Loarte (ITER Organization)
Plasma Chamber and Tritium Behavior
- Alberto Loarte (ITER Organization)
Plasma Chamber and Tritium Behavior
- Alberto Loarte (ITER Organization)
Efficient plasma fuelling, impurity exhaust and power load control are essential for the successful operation of fusion reactors and have a direct impact on the fuel cycle and the achievable tritium burn-up fraction.
The physics of plasma fuelling in fusion devices and the processes determining the balance of particles in the reactor chamber are described, with emphasis on the core and edge...
The regulation of the amount of fusion power produced by future reactors will require precise control over the plasma density and temperature. Therefore, the control of the core-plasma kinetic state, usually referred to as burn control, arises as one of the most fundamental problems in nuclear fusion and will be critical to the success of burning-plasma devices like ITER. Due to the nonlinear...
Benign power exhaust in a tokamak relies on the injection of radiating impurities (plasma enhancement gases), to be controlled for the achievement of the desired power crossing the separatrix and sufficient divertor radiation. At least partial divertor detachment is required, reducing the heat flux impinging the divertor target at the separatrix below about 5 MW/m$^2$. Candidate gases for...
Deuterium (D)-Tritium (T) plasmas are considered the most promising hydrogen isotope combination for the generation of fusion energy in tokamaks. However, in contrast to electron particle transport, ion transport in mixed plasmas, notably in the presence of T, is less understood.
Differences in the electron density behavior clearly indicated in the first DT campaigns in TFTR and JET that...
In a fusion reactor plasma, impurities are present due to multiple sources. In the center, He ash is produced by fusion reactions, at the edge plasma facing components can release impurity atoms and impurities are actively seeded to reach a tolerable heat exhaust. The consequent impurity density profiles will be the result of a combination of the strength of the sources and of the transport,...
Plasma-material interaction (PMI) imposes a number of challenges on the operation of a next step fusion device or reactor associated with the lifetime of components, the sustainability of the tritium cycle, and ultimately with safety aspects. The underlying critical processes under steady-state plasma operation can be splitted into two categories: (i) erosion, transport, deposition, and dust...
Tritium (T) retention in plasma facing components (PFCs) subjected to burning plasma-material interactions (BPMI), defined here as simultaneous plasma exposure and 14 MeV neutron irradiation at reactor-relevant temperatures, will materially impact the in-vessel T inventory, achievable tritium breeding ratio (TBR), and performance limits of PFCs in fusion pilot plants (FPPs). Validated model...
A critical challenge for the long-term operation of ITER and the future U.S. fusion pilot plants will be the development of plasma-facing components (PFCs) that demonstrate erosion resistance to intense heat and neutral/ion particle fluxes under the extreme fusion nuclear environment while minimizing in-vessel inventories and ex-vessel permeation of tritium.
INL leverages a series of...
The tritium self-sufficiency is one of the most challenging feasibility and attractiveness issues in the development of fusion systems, which is also the main science mission of CFETR. The tritium burning rate is the key which can be improved by the increased particle confinement time and central fueling. Our study has been engaged in the research of central fueling technology and particle...