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11–13 Oct 2022
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
Presentations have been posted as PDFs. See Programme.

Techniques of tritium decontamination on plasma-facing walls in DEMO

13 Oct 2022, 13:05
Board Room C (C building, 4th floor) (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room C (C building, 4th floor)

IAEA Headquarters

Invited Oral Interface btw First Wall & Fuel Cycle Technology Tritium Behaviors and DEMO Fuel Cycle


Naoko Ashikawa (National Institute for Fusion Science)


In fusion DEMOs, tritium (T) decontamination scenario before maintenance begins is a key issue. Hence, it is important that T decontamination under vacuum conditions before opening the plasma vacuum vessels. Currently, JA-DEMO team has not yet determined the allowable value of residual T in the vacuum vessel, but it is necessary to indicate a candidate T decontamination technique. Furthermore, the construction of a short-term maintenance scenario that includes the T decontamination process after plasma operation is stopped, is also important for fusion DEMOs.

Three kinds of candidate techniques of T decontamination are considered in the vacuum conditions; 1. Temperature control by decay heat and baking/cooling, 2. Active wall conditionings, such as glow discharge, ion cyclotron wall conditioning, and electron cyclotron wall conditioning, 3. A selection of working gas and vacuum pressure. Mainly retained tritium on the surface of materials is important for T decontamination. Since T is easily replaced with hydrogen, it is well known that the process of replacing H with T and desorption. Therefore, the ratio of water molecules present in the space is thought to greatly influence T decontamination.

In this presentation, several T decontamination techniques are shown. The fundamental techniques required for decontamination are surface T replacements from H to T in the water of the atmosphere and temperature control. The candidate for T decontamination technologies under DEMO vacuum conditions is discussed based on the results, such as the isothermal desorption, glow discharge cleanings, and T reduction to compare with and without air contaminations, and so on.

This work is supported by JSPS-CAS Bilateral Joint Research Projects (GJHZ201984 and JPJSBP120197202).

Speaker's Affiliation National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki
Member State or IGO Japan

Primary authors

Naoko Ashikawa (National Institute for Fusion Science) Yuji Torikai (Ibaraki University)

Presentation materials