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Proposing The Formal Recognition for Qualified Expert in Indonesia

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 12. Education and training in occupational radiation protection Session 11. Education and training in occupational radiation protection


Ms Liya Astuti (IAEA)


Indonesia as one of IAEA member states has stipulated requirements regarding the radiation protection officer in Bapeten Regulation (BR) 2 Year 2022 regarding the amendment of the Bapeten Chairman regulation 2 year 2012 on the compliance test of the x-ray machine for diagnostic and interventional radiology purpose. In the current regulatory framework, a recognition for qualified expert (QE) is only stipulated specifically for the compliance test.
QE may provide authoritative advice to licensees or employers regarding the compliance with applicable radiation protection requirements, specifically in occupational and public exposure. A set of formal recognition system is proposed in this paper. The aim is to document the acknowledgement by the relevant authority that a person has the qualifications and expertise required for the responsibilities that he/she will bear in the conduct of the authorized activity. The possible involved relevant authorities are the ministry of manpower (who currently developing national work competence standards), national standardization agency, and nuclear energy regulatory body in Indonesia (BAPETEN).
The proposed scheme for formal recognition of QE in Indonesia refers to several countries such as Finland, Italy, and UK. Those countries are deemed to have an established recognition system for QE. A review is conducted to obtain most applicable scheme in Indonesia. Essentially, the formal recognition system for QE can be approached from two points of view. i.e. related field such as nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, industrial radiography, or from the stage of practice with graded approach. The identified formal recognition structure covers from the specific legal entity, scope of certification, qualification standards, requirement (knowledge, skill, experience), assessment method and recertification.
Gaps is also analysed as Indonesia already implemented partial recognition system and currently developing the national work competence standards and the guidance in some practice recommends QE to be in vicinity area of the practice. In summary, formal recognition system for QE in Indonesia need to be established, with development in the previously existing partial recognising system of QE.

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Speakers affiliation BAPETEN
Name of Member State/Organization Indonesia

Primary authors

Ms Liya Astuti (IAEA) Ms Supriatno Supriatno (UI)

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