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Regulatory requirments regarding occupational exposure

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 1. Review of international standards and recommendations on occupational radiation protection, progress over the past twenty years and existing challenges Session 1. Review of standards and recommendations on occupational radiation protection at the international, regional, and national levels: Progress over the past twenty years and existing challenges


Gordana Nikolova


The regulatory body established and enforces requirements to ensure that protection and safety is optimized, and the regulatory body enforces compliance with dose limits for occupational exposure through its authority provided in the legislation for inspection and enforcement.
The regulatory body established and enforces requirements for the monitoring and recording of occupational exposures in planned exposure situations.
There are established requirements for the licensees to be responsible for the protection of workers against occupational exposure and to ensure that protection and safety is optimized and that the dose limits for occupational exposure are not exceeded.
Dose limits are prescribed in the Regulation on the limits of exposure.
Regarding the potential exposure, in accordance with the Law, person may be exposed to ionizing radiation under different conditions, i.e. occupational exposure, public exposure and medical exposure. The provisions of the Law shall also apply to potential exposure, and emergency exposure
Regulation on occupational exposure prescribes measurement of individual monitoring and ambient monitoring. In accordance with the provisions of this regulation, when the occupationally exposed individual in a legal entity, works at several working places with different ionizing radiation sources, this individual shall be obliged to use the same personal dosimeter. When the occupationally exposed individual works with ionizing radiation sources in two or more legal entities, each of these legal entities should provide him with separate personal dosimeter.
The degree of external exposure to ionizing radiation of occupationally exposed individuals when carrying out activities with ionizing radiation sources or other work activities where the use of personal dosimeters for individual monitoring is inappropriate, or the reading of the personal dosimeter is prevented for any reason, shall be estimated on the basis of the results from the monitoring of the working environment or of the results acquired in respect of another adequate occupationally exposed individual.
The investigation level shall be determined by the legal person for the practice with ionizing radiation sources that it carries out, and this level should not exceed the value corresponding to 3/10 of the monthly value of the dose in accordance with the annual value of the dose prescribed by the regulations on ionizing radiation protection and radiation safety.
There are requirements in the legislation regarding female workers, as necessary, for protection of the embryo or fetus and breastfed infants. There are also requirements regarding special arrangements for protection and safety for persons under 18 years of age who are undergoing training.
Also persons under the age of 16 years shall not be subject to occupational exposure, as well as special arrangements for protection and safety for persons under 18 years of age who are undergoing training are in Article 16 of the Law on ionizing radiation protection and radiation safety:

Speakers email
Speakers affiliation Radiation Safety Directorate
Name of Member State/Organization Republic of North Macedonia

Primary author

Gordana Nikolova

Presentation materials