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The effect of COVID-19 pandemic prevalence on radiation protection in nuclear and radiological emergencies Investigation with occupational radiation protection approach

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 8. Occupational radiation protection in emergency exposure situations and subsequent transition periods Session 6. Occupational radiation protection in nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel cycle facilities


mahdiyar haghi


The lessons learned from the Covid-19 Epidemic show that the risk of an epidemic is associated with a rapid spread and unpredictable impact in the future. Large-scale emission events that trigger radiationenter code here emergency response structures and programs can occur at the same time. In fact, the simultaneous occurrence of effective radiological scenarios during an epidemic is quite possible. [8] Or in other word, the radiation incident may occur during an epidemic [9]. At the intersection of emergency management and the principles radiation protection, it is important to pay attention to these intersections in order to protect against occupational exposure. Therefore, in this article, while taking advantage of the lessons and experiences of IAEA member countries and paying attention to the documentation and standards of radiation safety and radiation emergency management, evaluating the simultaneous effects of radiation exposure and the epidemic situation is considered to give a realistic picture of the two situations is mapped out to ensure health and environmental protection, and suggestions are made for possible future conditions.

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Speakers affiliation Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)
Name of Member State/Organization Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)

Primary author

mahdiyar haghi

Presentation materials