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Recommendations on Radiation Protection for Radon Exposure in workplaces in Egypt

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 5. Occupational radiation protection in the workplaces involving exposure to naturally occurring radioactive material, radon and cosmic rays Session 7. Occupational radiation protection in the workplaces involving exposure to naturally occurring radioactive material, radon, and cosmic rays


Howayda Taha (Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)


Exposure due to radon might occur in all types of workplaces and facilities, ranging from conventional offices, naturally occurring radioactive material processing industries, underground facilities, and nuclear fuel cycle facilities. This is to present the view of consideration of the International Atomic Energy Authority(IAEA) and The International Labour Office (ILO) recommendations for implementing the requirements of the Safety Standards Series No. GSR-Part3 for Protection Against exposure to Radon. In recent years, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provide specific recommendations on safety Series GSR-PART3 related to protection of the public and occupational safety which have taken into account in preparing a new safety guide for "protection of workers against exposure due to radon in workplaces, in both planned and existing exposure situations, including the case of combined exposure to radon and other sources.
Referring to Our research studies, several workplaces in Egypt are identified such as: Phosphate Mine Tunnels, Coal Mines, Mining of Ores, Tourist Caves, Industrial processes involving NORM, Old style and enclosed building underground having bad ventilation. the reference level for indoor and outdoor for radon concentration at workplaces as existing exposure situations varies from Tenth to hundreds of Bq/m3, while for Workplaces as planned exposure situations; Radon concentration was about Thousands of Bq/m3 which vary with time of day, geographic location & season and height above ground.
In Egypt, The Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) is responsible for regulatory control for Radiation protection of radiation sources as well as Radon Exposure. Upon that it has to issue licenses for workplaces verifying requirements.
As TSO conclusions, it is concerned for the use of R&D results to be a base for ENRRA inspection and regulatory managements.

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Speakers affiliation Nuclear and Radiological Safety Research Center, Egypt
Name of Member State/Organization Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt

Primary author

Howayda Taha (Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)

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