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The Current System of Occupationa Exposure Regulation in the Czech Republic

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 16. Occupational exposure levels and dose registries Session 4. Occupational exposure levels and dose registries


Karla Petrova (SUJB)


Current system of occupational exposure regulation after implementation of ICRP 103, IAEA BSS and EU BSS is described. The poster will explain a system of categorization of workers, personal monitoring requirements, regulation of exposures at NORM workplaces as well as radon workplaces. There will be described also a system of outside workers exposures control and regulation. National Central Register of Occupational Exposures (CRPO) is in operation in the Czech Republic more then 20 years. The description of CRPO structure is presented as well as the results of data evaluation. There is about 23 ths active radiation workers registered in CRPO with collective dose 7,8 Sv. The average individual effective dose is 0,35 mSv for all workers and 0,9 mSv for those with doses above MDL. NORM workplaces are categorized in the Czech Republic as planned exposure situation with all relevant requirements for them. Radon workplaces are understood as existing exposure situation and some of relevant requirements for planned exposure situation are applied ( see also poster Berčíková et all.)
Paper will give also a short overview of personal dosimeters in use and the system of dosimetric services and their authorization and control in the country. The approach for evaluation of higher doses and excess of the limits is also presented.

Speakers email
Speakers affiliation State Office for Nuclear Safety
Name of Member State/Organization Czech Republic

Primary authors

Mr Jan Vinklář (SUJB) Karla Petrova (SUJB)

Presentation materials