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Establishing an E-Learning Radiation Protection Training Course for Occupationally Exposed Workers: Challenges and Successes

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 12. Education and training in occupational radiation protection Session 11. Education and training in occupational radiation protection


Dr Michael Hajek (International Atomic Energy Agency)


Addressing the requirement for the regular training of its employees in safety and security as determined in the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Regulations and in established Radiation Protection Programmes, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) developed an e-learning Radiation Protection Training Course for the Agency’s Occupationally Exposed Workers (OEWs). Considering the diverse nature of the Agency’s activities with radiation, developing a “one-size-fits-all” training course presented challenges and required collaboration with stakeholders throughout the Agency. While the e-learning format optimized the training process and allows for the OEWs to complete the course in a self-paced manner, this presented its own challenges. The limitations of the e-learning course must also be recognized, including that the course must be supplemented with task-specific and hands-on training. The IAEA’s Radiation Safety Technical Services Unit developed the course, drawing from its extensive experience training OEWs at the Agency. The course was finalized and successfully issued for Agency-wide use in 2021. The course includes seven core modules, with an additional two modules for staff who travel to Member States’ facilities:

  • Module 1: Radiation basics, exposure and dose
  • Module 2: Radiation health effects, safety principles and standards
  • Module 3: IAEA rules, regulations and safety culture
  • Module 4: Radiation protection for external exposures
  • Module 5: Radiation protection for internal exposures
  • Module 6: Contamination control and personal protective equipment
  • Module 7: Incidents, emergencies and reporting
  • Module 8: Handling and transport of radioactive sources on duty travel
  • Module 9: Safety and radiation protection on duty travel

This poster will describe the process for developing the course, and the challenges and successes incurred along the way.

Speakers email A.
Speakers affiliation International Atomic Energy Agency
Name of Member State/Organization International Atomic Energy Agency

Primary author

Ms Allison Wilding (International Atomic Energy Agency)


Mr Rodolfo Cruz Suárez (International Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Michael Hajek (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials