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The Moroccan approach regarding training in occupational radiation protection

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 12. Education and training in occupational radiation protection Session 11. Education and training in occupational radiation protection




Ionizing radiation sources are widely used in Morocco, mostly in the medical, industrial and security fields. However, these sources, if not controlled and safely used can be hazardous to workers, public and environment.
The Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security (AMSSNuR), since its creation in October 2016, has been working on upgrading nuclear and radiological regulatory framework in order to fully comply with IAEA safety standards especially regarding training of occupationally exposed workers.
Regulatory texts implementing Law No.142-12 represent a major reform in the organization of radiation protection, particularly in the training of occupationally exposed workers, assigning to the license holder the responsibility of ensuring this training and providing for the possibility to seek expertise of a Radiation Protection Expert (RPE) in order to get advice on the trainings that need to be delivered to the workers, taken into account the nature of the handled radiation sources.
The licence holder is also required to appoint a radiation protection officer (RPO) who will be in charge of providing training to the exposed personnel. Operators of the industrial field, on the other hand, need a specific training to be certified as Qualified Operators (QO) capable of handling radiation sources safely.
The modalities of training and recognition of RPE, RPO and the training of QO are detailed in an order which specifies the objectives of training for each radiation protection actor. Nevertheless, these trainings can only be carried out in training centres approved by AMSSNuR.
Thus, the regulatory texts implementing Law No.142-12 aim the transposition of IAEA standards, particularly GSR part 3 requirements, regarding capacities building for occupational radiation protection as an effective factor of optimization of radiation protection.
Key words: Occupational radiation protection, Training, Regulations, IAEA standards, RPE, RPO, QO.

Speakers email
Speakers affiliation The Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Security (AMSSNuR)
Name of Member State/Organization Morocco/ The Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Security (AMSSNuR)

Primary author



RACHIDA EL GAMOUSSI Mohamed jafjaf (Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security)

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