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The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in occupational radiation protection - a technical service provider's perspective

Not scheduled
1h 30m


International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
Poster 11. Technical service providers in occupational radiation protection Session 10. Technical service providers in occupational radiation protection


Ms Kristine Marie Romallosa (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute)


SARS-CoV-19’s (COVID-19) had impacted significantly medical radiologic examinations for the diagnosis of the COVID-19 virus in the patient. This has resulted in the increased number of examinations in hospitals that thus potentially increasing the risk of workers receiving radiation doses. The pandemic also led to various nationwide restrictions that greatly affected the operations of many sectors, technical service providers included.
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute through the Radiation Protection Services Section (PNRI-RPSS), as a technical service provider, experienced various challenges in ensuring the continuous provision of radiation protection services for the safety of the workers while operating in accordance with the national restrictions such as limited workforce mobility, supplies, and transportation.
This paper presents how the PNRI-RPSS adopted with the new normal brought about by the pandemic. The lessons learned, different measures and new systems developed will be presented such as the following:
1) Additional laboratory protocols in the receiving and releasing of samples, dosimeters and instruments:
2) Online booking and appointment-based One Stop Shop established to limit number of customers
3) Customer communications
3.a. Web-based information systems
3.b. Information dissemination and response to customer inquiries by adding more communication channels (added Facebook page for announcements and Messenger)
3.c. Customer advisories on use of dosimeters and instrument calibrations
4) Guidelines on the conduct of field works for Radiation Monitoring/Hazards Evaluation, Leak Testing of Sealed Sources, and Calibration of Activity Meter were coordinated with the regulatory body
All service provisions were ensured to comply with national regulations and international recommendations to ensure safety of nuclear facilities and protection of radiation workers.

Speakers email
Speakers affiliation DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Name of Member State/Organization Philippines

Primary authors

Ms Christy Mae Betos (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Ave Ann Nikolle Garalde (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Mr Angelo Panlaqui (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Marianna Lourdes Marie Grande (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Mr Ronald Piquero (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Kristine Marie Romallosa (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Mrs Jhenize Carvina Fernandez-Guillermo (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute)


Mr Jhon Ray Amparado (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Mr Dante Bajet (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Razelle Chelsea Cera (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Lenlen Desoloc (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Ma. Jesseca Embestro (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Camille Pineda (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Ma. Eloisa Villacora (DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute)

Presentation materials