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29 November 2021 to 6 December 2021
Virtual event
Europe/Vienna timezone
30 Nov - 3 Dec, 2021 Abstract submission open NOW

Progress in the Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence To Enhance EFIT Equilibrium Reconstruction for Fusion Data Analysis and Real-Time Applications

2 Dec 2021, 12:55
Virtual event

Virtual event

Regular Oral Inverse Problems Thursday 2 Dec


Lang Lao (General Atomics)


Recent progress in harnessing novel machine learning (ML) / artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to enhance EFIT equilibrium reconstruction for fusion data analysis and real-time applications is presented. This includes development of a ML-enhanced Bayesian framework to automate and maximize information from measurements and Model-Order-Reduction (MOR)-based ML models to efficiently guide the search of solution vector. A device-independent portable core equilibrium solver has been created to ease adaptation of ML enhanced reconstruction algorithms. An EFIT database comprising of DIII-D magnetic, motional Stark effect (MSE), and kinetic reconstruction data is being generated for developments of EFIT-MOR surrogate models to speed up the search of solution vector. A parallel Python framework is used to construct input and output vectors for communication with the equilibrium database and training of EFIT-MOR surrogate models. Approaches to improve portability between the OpenMP and GPU EFIT versions are being explored on Linux GPU clusters and the new NERSC Perlmutter to create a performance-portable GPU implementation for further optimization of ML/AI based reconstruction algorithms. Other progress includes development of a Gaussian-Process Bayesian framework to improve processing of input data, and construction of a 3D perturbed equilibrium database from toroidal full MHD linear response modeling with the MARS-F MHD code for developments of 3D-MOR surrogate models.
Work supported by US DOE under DE-SC0021203, DE-SC0021380, and DE-FC02-04ER54698.

Country or International Organisation United States of America
Affiliation General Atomics

Primary author

Lang Lao (General Atomics)


Dr Cihan Akcay (General Atomics) Dr Torrin Bechtel (General Atomics) Dr Yueqiang Liu (General Atomics) Dr Joseph McClenaghan (General Atomics) Mr David Orozco (General Atomics) Mr David Schissel (General Atomics) Dr Scott Kruger (TechX) Dr Eric Howell (TechX) Mr Jarrod Leddy (TechX) S Madireddy (Argon National Laboratory) P Balaprakash (Argon National Laboratory) J Koo (Argon National Laboratory) S Williams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) M Leinhauser (University of Delaware) Dr A Pankin (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Presentation materials