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6–10 Dec 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Fast-Ion losses during the current ramp-up and disruptions of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

7 Dec 2021, 17:00
Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Oral Transport of Energetic Particles Transport of Energetic Particles


Jose Rueda Rueda (University of Seville)


Beam ion losses have been observed in AUG discharges during the plasma current ramp-up phase and during disruptions. The velocity-space of the escaping, and ccelerated, beam ions has been measured with the poloidal FILD array available at AUG [1]. Tomographic reconstruction techniques [2] applied to the FILD data revealed, with unprecedented detail, the velocity-space distribution of the lost ions. These reconstructions have shown that the losses during the ramp-up phase present a feature at energiesgreater than the NBI injection one. The accelerated lost beam ions are located in a narrow interval of gyroradii and have similar pitch angles than the non-accelerated promptlosses. For the disrupting discharges investigated here, there is an initial phase where the confinement of fast-ions is severely lost followed by another one where this confinement is recovered, before the termination of the plasma. During the phase of loss of fasi-ion confinement, widely spread losses in pitch are detected; after it, the usual beam prompt losses (pitch and energy localized) reach the scintillator, as in HL-2A tokamak[3]. ASCOT [4] kinetic full-orbit simulations, will be done to assess the possible mechanisms leading to acceleration and pitch redistribution.

[1]M. Garcia-Munoz et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 053503 (2009).
[2]J. Galdon-Quiroga et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 105005 (2018)
[3]Y.P. Zhang et al 2015 Nucl. Fusion 55, 113024 (2015)
[4]E.Hirvijokietal et al. Computer Phys Comm. 185 1310–132 (2014)

Speaker's Affiliation Universy of Seville
Member State or IGO Spain

Primary author

Jose Rueda Rueda (University of Seville)


Joaquin Galdon-Quiroga (University of Seville) Prof. M. Garcia-Munoz (University of Seville) Mrs Velarde-Gallardo Lina (University of Seville) Mr Bo Simmendefeldt-Schmidt, Mirko Salewski (Technical University of Denmark) Philip A. Schneider (Max-Planck-Institiut für Plasmaphysik) Pablo Oyola (Universidad de Sevila) Eleonora Viezzer (University of Seville) ASDEX Upgrade Team

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