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26–30 Sept 2022
C.R. ENEA, Camugnano, Italy
Europe/Vienna timezone
Meeting dates 26-30 September 2022.


Panel 1: Legacy reactor data for validation of fast reactor thermal hydraulics & Availability and need of experimental data for validation and verification

Panel 1
26 Sept 2022, 14:00
C.R. ENEA, Camugnano, Italy

C.R. ENEA, Camugnano, Italy


Moderator: Mariano Tarantino (ENEA)
Panellists: Mr. Norihiro Doda (Japan)
Mr. Marco Caramello (Italy)
Mr. Antoine Gerschenfeld (France)
Mr. Tanju Sofu (USA)
Mr. Fabio Moretti (Italy)

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