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19–30 Oct 2020
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Challenges on Licensing of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) in Indonesia

Not scheduled
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

Virtual Conference
Poster NORM Policy, Strategy and Regulations Session I - NORM National Policies and Strategies


Tino Sawaldi Adi Nugroho (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency)


Indonesia already decided its policy on management of TENORM with the issuance of BAPETEN Chairman Regulation (BCR) No. 9 Year 2009 on Intervention on Exposure from TENORM and BAPETEN Chairman Regulation (BCR) No. 16 Year 2013 on Radiation Safety in Storage of TENORM. Both of these regulations have become the regulatory basis for BAPETEN as nuclear regulatory body in Indonesia to introduce its regulatory obligations to the non nuclear industry that produce TENORM.
According to BCR No. 9 Year 2009, TENORM producer shall conduct a TENORM radiation safety analysis in each TENORM location owned or within producer’s control. BAPETEN conducts an assessment on results of TENORM radiation safety analysis based on intervention level. BCR No. 16 Year 2013 stated that every TENORM producer that will carry out TENORM storage shall have a radioactive material storage license from BAPETEN and meet radiation safety requirements. An applicant to obtain a radioactive material storage license shall submit a written application and completing license requirements document to BAPETEN, while radiation safety requirements include management requirements, radiation protection requirements, engineering requirements, and safety verification.
BAPETEN has already performed coordination and cooperation with related governmental institution in communicating the regulations to industries. However, current number of licensee still doesn’t reflect potential TENORM producer in Indonesia. The drafting of Government Regulation provides measure to strengthen the regulatory basis for management of TENORM. However, there are other challenges to effectively enforced TENORM licensing in order to ensure the safety of workers, public, and environment in Indonesia.

Primary authors

Tino Sawaldi Adi Nugroho (Indonesia Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency) Evin Yuliati (Bapeten)

Presentation materials