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19–30 Oct 2020
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone


Not scheduled
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

Virtual Conference
Poster NORM Policy, Strategy and Regulations Session I - NORM National Policies and Strategies


Mr Wellen Rukundo (Atomic Energy Council )


The regulatory control of all environmental activities in Uganda is coordinated by National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) established under the National Environment Bill, 2017. This mandates NEMA to regulate environmental practitioners in the environmental and social impact assessment and environmental audit processes and review and make decisions on such assessments, audits and other environmental studies. This is supported by Atomic Energy Council (AEC) in regulation of environmental practices involving natural and artificial radiation sources and devices emitting ionizing radiation. The draft “Atomic Energy NORM Regulation, 2016” is being developed by AEC to establish radiation safety and protection requirements for the production, processing, handling, use, holding, transport, storage and disposal of NORM.
The draft “National Energy Policy 2019” obligates the Government to promote occupational safety and health. A few number of private environment consultancy companies are accredited by NEMA to provide waste management services to oil exploration companies and some mining companies. These have scattered and non-discrete disposal sites within the proximity of the waste generating activities/industries and are required to submit waste management plans considering segregation, waste storage, recycling and reuse and disposal in an environmentally friendly manner. There are no specific dedicated facilities for NORM waste management and disposal.
The Radioactive Waste Management Regulations are being developed by Atomic Energy Council to establish the requirements for safe management of radioactive waste and a centralised radioactive waste management facility. However there is no National Policy and Strategy for Radioactive Waste Management and Safety.
A number of relevant Government Ministries, Agencies and Departments and other private entities have been engaged in awareness campaigns and trainings regarding NORM activities and Regulations and review of draft Regulatory documents
The management of NORM and waste in Uganda is challenged by absence of regulatory requirements, no comprehensive baseline data, lack of suitable laboratory equipment, inadequate practical training and experience of the Regulators and limited awareness of the stakeholder and operators.
Therefore, this paper describes the current policies and strategies for regulation, radioactive waste management and stakeholder involvement for safe and secure management of NORM.

Primary author

Mr Wellen Rukundo (Atomic Energy Council )

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