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19–30 Oct 2020
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Potential of coal fly ash in building materials

Not scheduled
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

Virtual Conference
Poster NORM Residue and Waste Management Session VI - Solutions for Residue and Waste Management


Ms Emilija Fidanchevski (Full prof. )


There are many sustainable solutions for fly ash (as NORM- Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials) valorisation from thermal power plants. The latest literature reports that fly ash can be successfully used in cement, concrete, bricks, aggregates, glass-ceramics, zeolites, absorbents, geo-polymers, but its potential utilization due to the new technologies nowadays are wider. For instance, fly ash can be used as source of carbon for synthesis nanomaterials (carbon nano tubes). Also, it can be a source of rare earth elements obtained by recovery of fly ash.
In accordance to the characterization of fly ash (originating from the thermal power plant REK Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia) from material (chemical, physical and mineralogical) and radiological aspect realized in the frame of EIT Raw material project: Al-rich residues for mineral binders in ESEE region – RIS ALiCE, its potential utilization for low-CO2 cement clinker production will be discussed and potential sustainable solutions will be presented.

Primary author

Ms Emilija Fidanchevski (Full prof. )


Mr Andrej Ipavec Ms Biljana Angjusheva (Associate prof. ) Ms Katarina Šter (Engineer) Ms Lea Žibert (Engineer) Ms Ljubica Vladichevska (MSc ) Mr Pece Murtanovski (Engineer) Ms Sabina Dolenec (DSc) Ms Snezana Nenadovic (DSc)

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