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19–30 Oct 2020
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Towards the Establishment of a Radon Map of Ghana

Not scheduled
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

Virtual Conference
Poster NORM Policy, Strategy and Regulations Session I - NORM National Policies and Strategies


Dr DAVID OKOH KPEGLO (Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)


Over the years various studies have been conducted in Ghana on the levels of Naturally Radioactive Material in environmental mediums; Soil, Water, Air, food sample. These works have been carried out in isolation by various researcher from departments, universities, agencies of state and some non governmental and international agencies in Ghana. The levels of Radon in various parts of the country have been found be with recommended international levels while some few areas have fallen outside the recommended values for water, soil, food and air. To technically use the results of these works to inform the public and for radiation protection purposes, the Radiation Protection Institute of Ghana has plans to develop a consolidated Radon Map for Ghana. This map will bring together works conducted over the years on the levels of Radon in various areas in Ghana. This will help in policy and decision making and regulatory activities of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Ghana whilst helping the Radiation Protection Institute properly provide technical advice to Ghanaians on remediation measures to reduce their exposure to Radon in Ghana. This work presents the plan, policies, processes and activities carried out in preparation towards the establishment of a Radon Map for Ghana.

Primary author



Dr DAVID OKOH KPEGLO (Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) Prof. Emmanuel O. Darko (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission) Dr Oscar Adukpo (Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)

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