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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

IEC Standard-Family on Cybersecurity for Nuclear Power Plants

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Information and computer security considerations for nuclear security


Mr Thomas Walter (PreussenElektra GmbH)


Cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of nuclear security in modern NPPs, considering the place of digital equipment (including reactor control systems and reactor safety systems) in their design and operations. IEC SC45A decided in 2008 to develop an IEC standard on cybersecurity requirements (IEC 62645). The first edition was published 2014. As the development of digital I&C raises, a new edition of this standard was directly started after publishing in 2015, and additional standards, on coordination of safety and security (IEC 62859 started in 2012, published in 2016) and on security controls (IEC 63096 started in 2016), were set on track.

The paper presents in its first part the IEC and its Subcommittee 45A (Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems of nuclear facilities). It explains how the IEC cybersecurity standards fits to the IEC SC45A framework and to other IT security work like ISO/IEC 270xx series and IAEA work (NST045 and NST047).

In the second part, the three IEC SC45A standards focused on cybersecurity are presented in detail.

  • The standard IEC 62645 gives the high level requirements and
    guidance, in particular for development and management of a
    cybersecurity program, for programmable digital I&C systems. It uses
    a graded approach and covers the entire security lifecycle on program
    level and system level, as well considers generic aspects of security
    controls. The revision principles for the second edition (started in
    2016) are: (i) to adapt the structure and high-level principle with
    ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 27002:2013, (ii) to be consistent to
    relevant IEC 62443 controls and (iii) to rearrange the structure to
    consider the future second level documents on cybersecurity.
  • The standard IEC 62859 is intended to help coordinating safety and
    cybersecurity issues. This standard is needed because safety
    requirements can have impact on cybersecurity measures and vice
    versa. The safety-oriented provisions are often well established, and
    the cybersecurity requirements and controls are often added. This can
    result in interaction and possible side-effects which must be
    considered on two levels: the architectural level and the individual
    system level. Additional organizational issues are shown. This
    standard is also on track to become an EN standard.

  • The standard IEC 63096 focuses on security controls and provides a
    catalogue adapted for nuclear I&C contexts. The standard is currently
    under development and will be published in 2020. The chapters 5
    through 18 exactly follow the structure of ISO/IEC 27002 clauses 5
    through 18. IEC/ISO 27002 controls have been reconciled with the
    requirements of the nuclear I&C domain and, if deemed necessary,
    modified or extended. Additional information on the preservation
    (confidentiality, integrity and availability) and the control focus
    (prevention, detection) are given for each control. Their relevance
    for the security degrees from IEC 62645 and a baseline, and with
    respect to the different phases (development, engineering,
    operation), is considered.

As conclusion the IEC SC45A standards for cybersecurity brings a new and regularly updated set of guidance from IEC, in conjunction with IAEA and country specific standards, to the international community with regards to cybersecurity for nuclear facilities.

State Germany
Gender Male

Primary authors

Mr Thomas Walter (PreussenElektra GmbH) Ludovic Pietre-Cambacedes (EDF) Edward Quinn (Technology Resources) Mr Jürgen Bochtler (Siemens AG)

Presentation materials