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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Global Material Security in 2020 – A Focus on the Future

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Mr Art Atkins (US DOE/NNSA)


The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) works to reduce the global danger from weapons of mass destruction in the United States and internationally. NNSA’s international nuclear security programs began more than 20 years ago as a cooperative effort with Post Soviet States under the Cooperative Threat Reduction framework, and has evolved to its approach today that addresses enduring and emerging threats by engaging with a host of new partners, both governmental and non-governmental. In implementing these international efforts, NNSA brings the wealth of expertise that resides in the U.S. national laboratories to solve complex nuclear security challenges with our partners and supports the growth of peaceful applications of nuclear technology.
This presentation will discuss the evolution of NNSA’s nuclear materials security programs in the contemporary landscape and provide NNSA’s views on what a risk-informed, defense-in-depth approach to nuclear security looks like in 2020 and beyond. In 2015, DOE/NNSA’s Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN) reorganized to address the changing threat environment in a flexible and comprehensive way. Since 2015, GMS has worked to integrate and streamline efforts to protect nuclear and radiological material, and to form a cohesive and balanced organization that operates as “one GMS.” GMS works with partners worldwide to secure nuclear and radiological materials, and to interdict and investigate the trafficking of such materials. GMS, through its three offices – Office of International Nuclear Security, Office of Radiological Security, and Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence, provides nuclear and radiological security upgrade and related training, strengthens supporting regulations, inspections, and security culture, and provides a wide range of technical consultations looking at innovative security solutions. To address nuclear material out of regulatory control, GMS strengthens the capacity and commitment of partners to deter, detect and investigate illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and works with multilateral partners to strengthen the global detection architecture.
GMS is committed to capacity-building and sustainability, and seeks to build strong relationships with international partners to prevent the unauthorized acquisition of nuclear and radiological material, and to augment capabilities to detect and deter the illicit movement of such materials. GMS implements this mission against a backdrop of a constantly evolving threat environment, emerging technologies, and a growing demand for safe and secure peaceful nuclear technology. This demand is expected to continue, requiring sustained focus on nuclear safety and security to support the continued and expanded use of nuclear energy and other peaceful nuclear applications.

State United States
Gender Male

Primary authors

Mr Art Atkins (US DOE/NNSA) Mrs Barlow Maegon (US DOE/NNSA) Mrs Katherine Vogler (US DOE/NNSA)

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