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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Gender Stereotypes. Woman in Nuclear Security

Not scheduled
Poster CC: Nuclear security culture in practice with a focus on sustainability


Nataliia Klos (2004)


This article is not about violation of rights of woman or man. This article is about deep understanding, that differences are combine. There is no need to underline, that traditionally security area is a “man area”, even nuclear science was “man area” not so far ago. Nevertheless, things are changing and we need to consider this. Worlds tendency is make equal possibilities for man and woman raise every day an issue of need taking into account of “gender issue” on the high level of decision-making.
How policy issue on taking into account “gender issue” can enhance of nuclear security effectiveness? Does it has an impact? However, is it right for Nuclear Security? Main question that you hear from the people, when you talk about “gender issues” – “Are you talking about Feminism? We have no problem with any “gender issues”, we are very respect woman”. Those questions I received last year on the XV Ukrainian conference on physical protection, accounting and control of nuclear material, when we were decided what issues should be raise on the next conference.
2019 is very special year for Ukraine in nuclear security area from gender point of view. First, at first time “gender issue” will be raised of the Ukrainian conference 23-28 September 2019. Secondly in cooperation with Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will be organized Woman in Nuclear Security Forum, October 15, 2019.
In the paper will be reflect the results of meetings, comparison with foreign partners, such as Sweden, USA, Canada of existing situation and analysis of impact of inclusion of “gender issue” to the policy of organization.

State Ukraine
Gender Female

Primary authors

Nataliia Klos (2004) Hanna Martynenko Mrs Sarmite Andersson (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority)

Presentation materials

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