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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Implementation of Thailand’s Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP)

Not scheduled
Poster CC: Identification of national needs through the development of an Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan


AREERAK RUEANNGOEN (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand)


Thailand’s INSSP was developed in 2009 based on the findings and recommendations of IAEA team experts, the first review was in 2014 with the support of IAEA. Over the years, the Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) continued to work on INSSP, as well as coordinate with the relevant authorities until Thailand’s legal instrument i.e. the entry into force of Thailand Nuclear Energy for Peace Act, B.E. 2559 (2016) provided the basis to comply with international security obligations. This instrument enables Thailand to move forward in further strengthening nuclear safety security and safeguards. Therefore, Thailand’s INSSP was reviewed again at the National meeting on INSSP review in September 2017, the purpose was to update INSSP status as well as to identify additional areas of nuclear security needs and gaps for the INSSP review mission with IAEA experts in November 2017.

Thailand’s INSSP was finalized in a constructive meeting that took place at the OAP from 6 - 10 November 2017 that involved the participation of relevant Thailand authorities and a team of experts from the IAEA Division of Nuclear Security. The valuable advice and suggestions were given by IAEA officers, Mr. David Smith, Mr. Fei Liu, and Mr. Gerhardus Liebenberg, as well as invited expert Dr. Nguyen Nu Hoai Vi to finalize Thailand’s INSSP. After that fruitful meeting, Thailand’s INSSP was approved officially on 10 April 2018. During end of April 2018, Mr. Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan, Director of the Division of Nuclear Security, visited Thailand and had the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the approved Thailand’s INSSP in detail with OAP.

The approval of Thailand’s INSSP enables all stakeholders such as IAEA or Donor Countries to plan and coordinate activities from both technical and financial viewpoints to fulfill needs and identify gaps in INSSP document. The first implementation period focused on the areas of Threat and Risk Assessment as well as Response.

In the area of Response, nuclear forensics was highlighted and initial discussion about potential Practical Arrangements (PA) between The International Atomic Energy Agency and Office of Atoms for Peace on Cooperation in the Area of Nuclear Forensic Science was first suggested by Mr. David Smith during the INSSP Review Mission held at OAP in November 2017. The main purpose of such a PA is to facilitate and institutionalize further cooperation in the area of nuclear forensics. Furthermore, IAEA will provide assistance through Expert Mission on strengthening technical capabilities of the OAP nuclear forensics lab in 2019. Other activities supported by IAEA were also organized in the area of response e.g. National Workshop on National Response Plan for Nuclear Security Events.

In the area of Threat and Risk Assessment, Thailand updated the Design Basis Threat during a National DBT workshop in 2018 assisted by IAEA. Additionally, Thailand also organized the National Workshop on Nuclear Security Information Management System to review the status of their nuclear security infrastructure through INSSP document.

After the implementation of INSSP, nuclear security activities in Thailand became widely recognized at the policymaker level, which is the key driving force for sustaining nuclear security in the country. The successful implementation of INSSP can assist the State in developing and maintaining a strategy on enhancing nuclear security. In this paper, the implementation of Thailand’s INSSP will be discussed in details.

State Thailand
Gender Female

Primary author

AREERAK RUEANNGOEN (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand)


Ms Saowaluck Thong-in (Office of Atoms for Peace) Mr Paphon Phaukkachane (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Haruetai Kasiwattanawut (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Ms Kalaya CHANGKRUENG (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Mrs Ladapa Srijittawa (Office of Atoms for Peace,Thailand) Ms Harinate Mungpayaban (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand)

Presentation materials