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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Advancing good practice: The work of the World Nuclear Association’s Security Working Group

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Contribution of industry to nuclear security


Mr Greg Kaser (World Nuclear Association)Dr Roger Howsley (World Institute for Nuclear Security)


The World Nuclear Association is an international trade body representing the global nuclear industry, including major reactor vendors, nuclear power plant operators, nuclear fuel suppliers and uranium miners, engineering, construction and waste management companies, along with professional service and transport providers. Its working group on fuel cycle security was reorganized in 2018 to better reflect member views and outputs from the Nuclear Industry Summit series held alongside the Nuclear Security Summits 2010–2016.

Whilst nuclear security is ultimately a State responsibility and an integral part of a State’s national security, licensed nuclear operators are responsible for ensuring that their facilities and materials are protected physically and that their technology and data are secure in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. The global nuclear industry is committed to effective security and to continual improvement through the exchange of best practice, personnel training and regular review of plans and measures. The World Nuclear Association’s working group on security has adopted an agenda to examine a number of key areas: mitigating insider threats, cyber-security, the safety-security interface and culture, and to learning from other industries in order to establish good practice in corporate governance and communication with regulatory bodies and civil society.

This paper will inform on the progress made in these areas within the context of the changing security and market environment. It will offer suggestions on how the civil nuclear industry can work at the national and the international levels with governments, regulatory bodies and international organizations including the International Atomic Energy Agency to foster effective and efficient security within nuclear energy programs in established and embarking countries to engender a high level of stakeholder confidence.

State United Kingdom
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Greg Kaser (World Nuclear Association)


Dr Roger Howsley (World Institute for Nuclear Security)

Presentation materials