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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Development of Interactive Tabletop Exercise on National Nuclear Forensics Training Program

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Nuclear forensics


Harinate Mungpayaban


Nuclear forensics in Thailand established in 2012 since the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. The Prime Minister has declared to support the global nuclear security as well as nuclear terrorism mitigation. As a result, Thailand had arranged the ASEAN Regional Forum on Nuclear Forensics on December 2011 and planned to establish a Nuclear Forensics Center. After that, the Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) has designated to build up nuclear forensics capabilities. There are four main functions to enhancing the performance, which is a response of radiological crime scene, analysis of the signature, development of the database, and strengthens of networks security. The national training program is a key element to support the radiological crime scene management and security networks development in terms of communication among the competent authorities.
The training program had conducted in 2017 and 2018. The purposes of the curriculum focus on the law enforcement to gain understanding the role and application of nuclear forensics regarding on nuclear security including establishing the national standard operating procedure (SOP) to respond the unauthorized activities in a timely manner. The program held in three days, composed of lecture method and tabletop exercise. The course syllabus obtained from the lesson learns in various training with IAEA, EU-JRC, and GICNT.
The tabletop exercise was developed by identifying the legal framework, risk assessment, nuclear activities, and incident trafficking database. Four interactive exercises accomplished in several circumstances along with the demonstration of the fictitious scenario and database so that the participants can understand the role and the insight knowledge to establish the SOP. The entitled of the exercises is a metal box, a dead body, a briefcase, and a scrap metal. The metal box intends the networks can understand radiological crime scene management for determination of the origin. The dead body aims to learn a murder investigation related to radioactive material, while the briefcase objects to identify the seized material by interpretation of signatures analysis. In addition, the scrap metal purposes to the inter-agency collaboration to handle with the illicit trafficking involving radioactive material at border control.
After having finished the interactive exercise, we can obtain the SOP. Because of the law enforcement can illustrate the whole process of nuclear forensics in terms of supporting the investigation for nuclear security regarding their responsibilities. In the future, OAP plans to implement the standard operating procedures with the competent authorities not only the law enforcement but also the relevant nuclear security organizations by performing the drill exercise, and field exercise.

State Thailand
Gender Female

Primary author


AREERAK RUEANNGOEN (Bureau of Technical Support for Safety Regulation, Office of Atoms for Peace, Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand) Mrs Ladapa Srijittawa (Security and Safeguards Technical Support Section Regulatory Technical Support Division Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Ms Kalaya CHANGKRUENG (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Mr Paphon Phaukkachane (Security and Safeguards Technical Support Section Regulatory Technical Support Division Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand) Ms Saowaluck Thong-in (Office of Atoms for Peace)

Presentation materials