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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Nuclear security as part of the security of major public events: The African Heads of states Conference

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Nuclear security in major urban areas


Mr Hambali Rabiou (Niger National Police)Mr Abdou salam Yahaya bako


The political decision to undertake the major public event.
The creation of the independent authority for the organization of the event. “Agency for the organization of the African Heads of States 2019 conference called Agence UA-2019: its composition, organization and missions.
The inter-ministerial committees within the Agency including the general security committee for elaboration of the policy and strategies of the security of the event: its composition, organization and missions.
The competent authority responsible for the overall security of the event which is the Regional Security Council of Niamey: missions, organization and composition.
The general security plan of the major public event
The Nuclear security systems and measures into the overall security plan for the major public event: the institutions involved: the coordinating body, the development of a nuclear security system, the meeting, the trainings, the exercises, the equipment, the developed concept of operations and response procedures for appropriate detection and response measures, etc.
Organizational structure and coordination
Policy level;
Strategic level;
Operational level;
Tactical level.
3.1. The nuclear and radiological threat assessment
This task consists of searching for and cross-checking all information related to theft, loss, abandonment, illegal trade or other illicit trafficking of nuclear, radioactive or other chemical or biological material at national or regional level.
3.2. Radiological research, monitoring and detection
Teams will conduct controls of nuclear and radiological substances perform the background noise mapping of radioactivity at the level of the following locations:
- The venue 1: Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center (CICMG) and surroundings;
- The venue 2: Congress Palace and surroundings, etc .;
- Presidential and ministerial fairs of Diori Hamani International Airport;
- Hotels, Cities and Palaces intended to accommodate VIPs;
- Highways: the Airport-CICMG and CICMG-Hotels expressway;
The purpose of this prior check is to locate and detect any radioactive substances that could be the subject of a malicious act during the conference. It will also control the levels of abnormal ionizing radiation due to the presence of nuclear or radioactive material.
Teams are trained on the use of radiation detection devices. They will be provided with a backpack and an Identifinder and pager-type radiation detection devices.
The organization of the work: Each team will work for 72 hours in subgroups with a regime of 8 hours of work followed by a rest period of 16 hours.
4.1. The access control and the patrol
Pedestrian and vehicular access control teams will be equipped with radiation detection equipment to detect and prevent all access to radioactive and nuclear materials.
People on foot and / or on board vehicles will conduct patrols around the conference venue as part of the monitoring and detection of radioactive sources.
4.1. The Intervention of malicious acts involving nuclear or radioactive material.
4.1.1. Alarm evaluation team
Three teams of instrumental alarm control called "second level teams" will be installed for 48 hours not far from the various strategic locations (Airport, Conference Center and Palais de Congrès) to evaluate a timely alarm. Each team is composed of technicians and an investigators.
4.1.2. Emergency response team
A multi-service NRBC-E emergency response team will be installed near the conference venue for 48 hours to respond to malicious acts involving nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or explosive material. It is made up of 28 people (investigators, Forensics experts, firefighters, environmental officers, EOD technicians, radiation protection officers, health workers and first-aid workers (see table below).
V. International Assistance and cooperation: The assistance of the IAEA

State Niger
Gender Male

Primary author

Mr Hambali Rabiou (Niger National Police)


Presentation materials