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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Results of the 2019 IAEA workshop “Computer Security Approaches and Applications in Nuclear Security” in Berlin

Not scheduled
Paper CC: Information and computer security considerations for nuclear security


Dr Dagmar Sommer


Computer security within a nuclear security regime requires continuous improvement of computer security measures to face ever increasing adversary capabilities. For this one key factor is exchange of information (e. g. application of effective methods, technolo-gies and tools in new and innovative ways) and identification of good practices nation-ally, regionally and globally. With this knowledge not only the national but also the in-ternational security level of nuclear material, nuclear facilities, other radioactive material and associated activities can be enhanced.

One possibility to exchange good practices and other interesting information in the field of nuclear security are meetings like the technical meeting “Computer Security Ap-proaches and Applications in Nuclear Security” held in September 2019 in Germany. The objectives of this meeting are to discuss international, regional and national ap-proaches to enhance computer security and describe implementations of computer se-curity measures by organizations having roles and responsibilities within the nuclear security regime. Participants will be from different organizations and different roles such as executive management, regulatory bodies, computer security managers, ad-ministrators and technicians, physical protection system managers and administrators, sensitive information managers, and engineers from all domains of nuclear security.

In this presentation, an overview of the challenges and solutions of national and organ-izational approaches to computer security that can be used to protect sensitive digital assets specific to each domain of nuclear security (e. g. nuclear material and facilities, other radioactive material and associated activities, and material out of regulatory con-trol) discussed at the 2019 IAEA workshop in Germany will be given. It also covers the ways computer security is applied in different countries. Further, current developments in international regulations on computer security are outlined. The approaches are compared, and differences are pointed out. Special attention is paid to experiences and best practices identified in different countries bringing the regulatory approaches into practice.

State Germany
Gender Female

Primary authors

Presentation materials