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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Acceptance and Testing (A&T) Development in Malaysia Nuclear Security Instrumentation

Not scheduled
Poster MORC: Detection technology development and performance testing


Mr Mohd. Hafizi AB.RAHIM


Abstract: Nuclear instrumentation has served nuclear and radioactive detection and contribute substantial benefits to securities worldwide. Hence, the form and method to ensure that every equipment used is appropriate and comply with standards is essential for the ability of the detection of radiation. It also will increase public confidence of nuclear response teams facing nuclear threats. It is important to note that there are many types of instruments and models that are significantly different. As the technical agencies entrusted to overseeing nuclear security matters, Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) began to explore an effective and sustainable means to develop indigenous capability in acquiring and maintaining detection instruments to ensure its operability and reliability. NSSC Malaysia through IAEA assistance, has been developed the nuclear security detection laboratory with the role to support and sustain nuclear security detection capability. As a genuine user country that depend on foreign technology for detection instruments, acceptance testing capability is critical to be mastered by country like Malaysia. Additionally, the standard of acceptance and testing (A&T) is an ideal and necessary upgrade to conventional technology in advancing nuclear security instrumentation. The recommendations cover the types of test to be performed, that has to be sought from various sources. This expertise is also extended to other frontline agencies such as Royal Malaysian Customs (RMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) in Malaysia in ensuring that the equipment owned by the relevant agency is capable of operating well and the national securities are fully protected. The knowledge is also shared regionally with interested countries.

State Malaysia
Gender Male

Primary author


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