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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone


Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: National nuclear security regulations




Albania has established much of the legal and regulatory framework necessary to form the basis of a comprehensive security regime for radioactive sources and associated materials and facilities. The law establishes and empowers a regulatory authority Radiation Protection Commission to enact security requirements on licensees. The regulation on Physical protection of radioactive material require for licensing, inspection and enforcement for security of radioactive sources. The strategic objective of the Radiation Protection Commission, as the national independent authority, nominated by Council of Ministers , is the protection of health of the workers, public and environment ensuring safety and security, taking maximum benefits of using radiations. Albania is working toward implementations of the security series of IAEA. Key structure in the field of security are Radiation Protection Commission (RPC) and Radiation Protection Office (RPO), respectively as decision making and executive for the protection, as well as State Police, Custom etc. Adopted legislation in this area has been aimed to approximate IAEA and EU safety and security standards.
Executive Competent Authority is Radiation Protection Office responsible for inspection process for all category of radioactive materials all orphan sources. Inspection objective is that license keep authorization condition S&S Single and small regulatory programs implemented is better to have one inspection program form safety and security. The regulatory regime adopted depend on the size, complexity, safety and security implications of the regulated radiation practices and sources, as well as on the regulatory experience. The principal component of monitoring is on-site inspection, direct personal contact between operators and regulatory body’s personnel
Integrated because…
-Competence management of inspectors…
-Role of radiation protection officer and radiation security officer. (mainly form us is the same person with different duties.)
-Implication of safety from security and vice versa
-Implementation of graded approach on safety and security
-Implementation of safety principle and security recommendations

In the case of security, Albanian State police also determines the threat in a risk-based approach, and the associated nuclear security regime that needs to be implemented to deal with such a threat and its potential consequences. The prime responsibilities for implementing measures addressing safety and security measures to counter the threat rest licensee. Effective leadership and management to carry out these responsibilities needs to be established and maintained at all facilities and activities that involve radioactive material or give rise to radiation risks. Measures for controlling radiation risks (safety or security events) have to ensure that no individual bears an unacceptable risk of exposure and people and the environment, both present and future, are protected against unnecessary radiation risks;
Safety and security assessments and their associated radiation protection measures have to be conducted to a degree that is commensurate with the level of risk posed by the facility, by applying the graded approach. All practical efforts have to be made to prevent and mitigate radiological, security or radiation incidents/accidents by applying the principle of defence-in-depth, providing several layers and methods of radiation and physical protection. Emergency plans (called contingency plans for security events) for emergency preparedness and response for security or radiation incidents/accidents have to be in place
Main elements of security are ; Prevention detection, delay, response, and security management to be checked.
Inspections generally comprise:
(a) initial or pre-operational inspections carried out prior to a practice commencing work with radiation, sometimes required as part of the process of authorization including safety and security
(b) planned inspections of existing authorizations usually at specified frequencies;
(c) inspections with the purpose of making investigations when the RPO so deems necessary;
(d) inspections carried out following cessation of the radiation practice or if an authorization is otherwise cancelled
The regulatory body establish a planned and systematic inspection programme. The management of inspection activities is an important function, perhaps the most outstanding duty for the regulatory body from a radiation safety and security point of view.
Responsibility of inspector
• assuring his/her own adequate knowledge and appropriate training on inspection ;
• programming of inspection activities by establishing the appropriate priorities;
• developing guidelines for inspectors;
• determining whether an inspection should be announced or unannounced;
• assessing the resource requirements for the inspection programme (e.g. purchase and calibration checking of radiation detectors, expenses associated with inspectors’ travel, accommodation and incidentals, etc.) and assigning resources to the programmes in the annual budget;
• coordinating inspections with those responsible for assessing authorization applications and renewals;
• maintaining records of inspections (i.e. by correlative inspection number, and including full name of the facility inspected, date, starting and exit time of inspection, surname and name of inspectors);
Inspection personnel must be capable of performing the tasks required by the inspection programme.
The level and depth of training will also vary according to the duties performed and the potential hazards associated with the regulated radiation practices and sources in the respective country. Inspectors are to be provided with training that ensures they have understanding of:
• safety principles and concepts on safety and security (i.e. including hazards other than from ionizing radiation that may be encountered during inspections);
• monitoring instrumentation, detection techniques and procedures and operating techniques, etc

State Albania
Gender Male

Primary author


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