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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enhancing the Sustainability of Nuclear Security in Newcomer Countries through Addressing Country Specific Issues in Education and Training Programs

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation PP: Newcomers to nuclear power and research reactors: opportunities and challenges


Salaheddin Malkawi (Jordan University of Science and Technology)


Newcomer countries introducing nuclear energy programs for the first time have the advantage of building on the vast experience accumulated by countries with already existing nuclear energy programs in the design, development and implementation of their nuclear security systems. On the other hand, newcomer countries face a number of challenges that, if not addressed properly, can strongly affect the sustainability of the nuclear security, which must exist until after the decommissioning of the nuclear facility. Such challenges are country specific and include, but not limited to, issues related to the legal system, labor/employment laws, regularity framework, personal performance, trustworthiness, insider threat and other issues that are different from one country to the other. The objective of this paper/ presentation is to highlight such challenges to nuclear security in newcomer states and suggest ways on how to address them in nuclear security education and training programs and include case studies from other sensitive industries, within the country, that share with nuclear similar types of threats.

State Jordan
Gender Male

Primary author

Salaheddin Malkawi (Jordan University of Science and Technology)

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