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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Nuclear security education as a tool to sustain nuclear security regimes

Not scheduled
Poster CC: Capacity building (e.g. human resource development and sustainability, nuclear security education and job-specific performance training including for newcomer countries)


Prof. Oum Keltoum Hakam (University of Ibn Tofail, Morocco)


Nuclear security is fundamental in the management of nuclear technology and in applications where nuclear material or other radioactive material is used or transported. It is the responsibility of the states to establish, maintain and sustain effective nuclear security regimes. Every state’s regime comprises of a set of policy and technical nuclear security measures. It is essential to have well educated and qualified people capable of implementing these measures to ensure that the national nuclear security regime is effective and efficient.

Universities worldwide understood the needs and have established nuclear security academic programs. This initial education provides students with deep knowledge and understanding of nuclear security. Only, very few universities have developed a full nuclear security master program. Other universities have opted for incorporating nuclear security modules as part of their education program for nuclear scientists and engineers. As a result, the graduates will be qualified to serve in nuclear security jobs or they can conduct research activities in nuclear security. This will help to work on emerging threats and emerging technologies to advance nuclear security globally.

The International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) has supported faculty members and researchers in establishing their academic courses and offers an excellent platform for international cooperation on nuclear security education and research. It is clear that the number of courses at the universities has increased significantly these last years. However, most of these courses, especially in developing countries, don’t include practical work, which hampers the students' full understanding of technical nuclear security measures.

This paper will describe how nuclear security education can contribute to sustaining nuclear security regimes – talking about some opportunities and challenges. It will also discuss the importance of establishing collaborations between universities and Nuclear Security Support Centre (NSSC), when it exists, for better developing a national human resource strategy and research activities.

State Morocco
Gender Female

Primary author

Prof. Oum Keltoum Hakam (University of Ibn Tofail, Morocco)

Presentation materials