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Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Vienna timezone

Coordinated Research Project (CRP) for Improved Assessment of Initial Alarms from Radiation Detection Instruments

Not scheduled
Interactive Content Presentation CC: Advances in nuclear security research and development; international cooperation on nuclear security research


Laem Chabang Port Customs Bureau, Thailand


Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts – Improved Assessment of Radiation
Portal Monitor Alarms at Laem Chabang Seaport
Aukrit Wongpanich, Natthawit Phiongam, Yanapan Hao
Thai Customs
Thai Customs has several missions, including obligations to facilitate trades, collect tax, and protect the society. To ensure nuclear safety and security by detecting and deterring presence of illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials, Thai Government participated in the Megaports Initiative Project with the United States Department of Energy to established an extensive network of radiation portal monitors (RPMs) at the Port of Laem Chabang, which is the largest seaport in Thailand.

      The sensitivity of the RPMs is such that containerized cargo containing radionuclides of natural origin often cause radiation alarms.  Given the large volume of cargo containing radionuclides of natural origin transiting the Port of Laem Chabang, the number of alarms per day is large. Once there is an alarm, that container must be checked at the second stage by a Spectroscopic Radiation Portal Monitor (SPM) for initial screening of the container. If the SPM identify the container as possible ‘threat’, further inspection with radioisotope identification handheld devices will be performed. However, many of these device give low confidence or inconclusive results, which leads to difficult situation for the Customs officer to a conclusive decision on the container. Since, assessment of the radiation alarms requires expertise and information that are not readily available, there is a need for better tools to help with this process.

      In order to increase effectiveness of the current operation of the radiation detection system, Thai Customs, together with Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), participated in IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on Improved Assessment of Initial Alarms from Radiation Detection Instruments since July 2018. Thai Customs collected and analyzed information of alarming containers, including RPM alarm information, commodity information, and all secondary information when available. Using the E-Customs system, declared data of the containers can be obtained to support the development of the Tool for Radiation Alarm and Commodity Evaluation (TRACE) application.

   This paper will present results from the data collected from June 2018 to May 2019. The results significantly contributed to improvement of TRACE alarming commodity catalogue and development of TRACE alarming assessment feature. The analysis will also include experiment results from utilizing the catalogue and alarm assessment feature to help the Customs officer increase effectiveness and efficiency in performing assessment of alarms. Finally, the opportunities for further improvement of radiation alarm assessment and utilizing tools such as TRACE will be discussed.
State Thailand
Gender Male

Primary author


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